How To Train A Dog To Walk On A Leash

It’s not like a dog instinctively knows the proper way to walk on a leash. Instead, it’s a skill they eventually learn through proper training. So in this article, you will get to know how to train a dog to walk on a leash.
This is a training exercise you simply can’t skip because if you do, you’re going to have an overexcited puppy stumbling all over your legs when you want to take your dog on a nice little walk. 
For the safety of both you and your dog, it’s important that you learn how to train a dog to walk on a leash without pulling it. 
Introduction To The Leash
First, your dog should get a proper introduction to such accessories like harness or collar you will have wrapped around their neck or body and the leash you would be directing them with.
It needs to first get comfortable with the feeling of the collar and the leash. Every day, for a short amount of time, make it wear the collar while you are engaged in some activity with him such as playing or feeding your dog its favorite treats.
This way, your puppy will come to associate the leash with play-time and food. 
Work On A Cue
Decide on a sound you want your puppy to take as a cue to indicate that food is here. Some people making clicking noises while others do a tongue click. Some people simply use a word such as ‘yes’ to alert their pets. Whatever you settle on, you have to follow the same method. 
Take your puppy to an area where it’s quiet and there isn’t any kind of distraction to take their attention away from you and then make the cue sound. Remember, your puppy should be wearing the collar and the leash. 
The moment your puppy looks at you, gift it with a treat. If you keep on repeating this, you will notice that your puppy doesn’t only look at you when you make the sound, but it automatically makes its way to you to get the treat.